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TOP代写assignment-A Review of 12 Years a Slave

文章类型:assignment 发布时间:2019-10-10

《十二年奴隶》是一部关注19世纪美国奴役的电影。这是英国著名导演史蒂夫·麦昆(Steve McQueen)的作品。它于2013年制作,获得了许多不同的重要奖项,例如奥斯卡奖和金球奖。故事是根据真实的事件。主要人物叫索罗门·诺斯达普(Solomon Northup),曾经是一个免费的受过教育的人,住在纽约,以小提琴演奏为生。 Northup和他的妻子有两个孩子,他们幸福地生活在那里。一天,两次白人欺诈,由一份薪水丰厚的兼职工作将诺瑟普(Northup)困在华盛顿。最后,他们将Northup交给了奴隶贩子Burch。 Northup遭受了大刀阔斧,被迫接受他的新名字普拉特(Platt)作为奴隶。然后,Northup被种植园主人威廉·福特(William Ford)先生收购。他在那里做worked夫,为福特的种植园提供了很大的帮助。因此,监督者羡慕诺瑟普。为了保护自己的生命,福特不得不将Northup卖给另一位可怕的大师Edwin Epps。在那里,诺瑟普不得不当棉花采摘者。他不擅长于细致的手指操作,经常被大师殴打。在埃德温·埃普斯(Edwin Epps)的棉花种植园中,有一个叫做帕特西(Patsey)的女奴隶。她被迫成为Epps的性奴隶,并且不得不忍受Epps和他的妻子的身心折磨。因此,帕特西恳求诺斯阿普杀死她,然后将其埋葬。 Northup拒绝了,因为他认为杀死Patsey是犯罪行为。 Epps的棉花种植园受到蠕虫的影响后,Northup被送往更好的大师特纳法官。他在那里做甘蔗剪。在特纳(Turner)的推荐下,诺斯普(Northup)在种植园主的聚会中拉小提琴并赚了一些钱。 Northup试图将这封信写给他的家人,但他再次遭到两名白人的欺骗。最终,诺斯upup建造Epps房屋时,遇到了加拿大木匠巴斯。他寄给诺斯·阿普的信,最后这封信救了诺斯·阿普。

12 Years a Slave is a film focusing on the slavery of America in the 19th century. It is a work of a famous English director, Steve McQueen. Made in 2013, it wins many different kinds of important awards, such as the Oscars and the Golden Globe Award. The story is based on the true event. The main figure, named Solomon Northup, was once a free educated man living in New York and lived on violin playing. Northup and his wife had two children, and they lived there happily. One day, two white frauds, trapped Northup to Washington by a well-paid part-time job. At last, they delivered Northup to Burch, a slave seller. Northup suffered slash and was compelled to accept his new name as a slave, Platt. Then Northup was bought by a plantation owner, William Ford, a kind gentleman. He worked there as a woodcutter and gave a great help to Ford’s plantation. Due to this, Northup was envied by the overseer. In order to protect his life, Ford had to sell Northup to another terrible master, Edwin Epps. There, Northup had to work as a cotton picker. He was not good at such detailed fingers work and was often beaten by the master. In Edwin Epps’ cotton plantation, there was a female slave called Patsey. She was obliged to be a sex slave of Epps and had to endure torture on both mental and body from Epps and his wife. Therefore, Patsey begged Northup to kill her and then bury her. Northup refused because he thought killing Patsey was criminal. After Epps’ cotton plantation influenced by the worms, Northup was sent to Judge Turner, a better master. He worked there as a sugar cane cutter. With the recommendation of Turner, Northup played violin in the plantation owners’ party and earned some money. Northup tried to write the letter to his families but he was cheated again by two white men. At last, when Northup constructed the house of Epps, he encountered a Canada carpenter, Bass. He sent the letter for Northup, and this letter saved Northup at last.

这部电影讲述了一个奴隶获得自由的漫长过程。实际上,它通过讲故事来表达更多内容。由于Northup的故事与许多不同的人物有关,因此对不同种类的白人大师的描述表明了白人在当时处于优势地位的想法。例如,诺瑟普(Northup)的第一任主人威廉·福特(William Ford)代表接受奴隶制的善良白人,但他们对奴隶很友善,因为他们需要他们工作。第二位大师埃德温·埃普斯(Edwin Epps)是极端思想持有者的一个例子,他们认为黑人与他们不同,而他们天生就像动物一样工作。在这些之后,导演讨论了这项工作中自由的定义。对于不同的人,自由一词意味着不同的事情。诺斯upup工作并忍受了许多痛苦,以重新获得自由人的身份。他一直希望能回家。对于Patsey而言,自由意味着杀死她并尽快结束她的悲惨生活。导演向我们展示了主人用鞭子殴打奴隶的场景。从这些场景中,可以清楚地看到奴隶的真实生活。这样的镜头使观众生气并充满同情心。当观众重新思考人们推翻奴隶制所遇到的困难时,自由就会被珍惜。这是导演制作这部电影的目的之一。另一点是勇敢者的不懈精神的斗争。在电影的结尾,导演设计了加拿大木匠巴斯和奴隶主Epps之间的对话。他们为黑人和白人之间的分歧激烈争吵。导演表明,与种族差异有关的主题当时是有争议的,这种争吵对于巴斯制定规则的过程很有价值。

This film tells the long difficult process of a slave retrieving his freedom. Actually, it expresses much more content by telling a story. Since the story of Northup is related to many different figures, the description of different kinds of white masters shows the ideas that the white men are in a superior position at that time. For example, Northup’s first master, William Ford represents the kind white men who accept the slavery, but they are kind to the slaves because they need them to work. The second master, Edwin Epps is an example of the extreme idea holders who thought that black men are different from them and they are born to work like animals. Following these, the director discusses the definition of freedom in this work. For different people, the word freedom means different things. Northup worked and endured so many pains to regain his identity as a free man. He always had the hope to go back home. While for Patsey, freedom means killing her and ending her miserable life as soon as possible. The director shows us the scene that the masters beat their slaves with whipping ropes. From these scenes, the real lives of slaves are clearly shown. Such shots make the viewers angry and full of compassion. When the viewers can rethink the difficulties that men encountered to overthrow the slavery, freedom will be cherished. This is one of the purposes that the director made this film. Another point is the struggle of the indefatigable spirit of the brave men. At the end of the film, the director designs a conversation between the Canada carpenter Bass and slave owner Epps. They quarreled fiercely about the differences between black men and white men. The director shows that the themes related the racial differences were controversial at that time and such quarrels were valuable to the development of the rules from Bass.
在这部电影中,有许多与美国历史有关的情节。首先,诺斯杜普(Northup)的故事始于1841年。那时,奴隶制已被完全废除。 Northup最初有机会自由生活。 1841年,在佐治亚州被指控逃离诺斯普普(Northup)的佐治亚州,仍然有奴隶为他们的主人工作,而且奴隶的人数甚至更多。根据詹姆斯等人的观点,“……地区差异随着时间的流逝而增加,这不仅是因为南方越来越多地被奴隶制所统治,而且还因为北方的发展迅速将其推向了一个截然不同的方向”(356)。其次,Northup在不同的种植园工作,这表明不同地方的经济和农业发展。 Northup首先是一名wood夫和原木运输商。此后,他在一家棉花种植机工作,因为在1880年代,南美的棉花产业发展迅速。第三,奴隶主至少有两个场景教育他们的奴隶。所有的奴隶主都喜欢读圣经,以使奴隶接受自己卑鄙的身份和命运。但是,他们永远不允许奴隶读写,因为奴隶认为接受教育就无法控制奴隶。最后但并非最不重要的一点是,Northup的艰难诉求改变了他回到家后的休息时间。该部分在电影中已被省略,但结果在电影结尾处用副标题“在纽约进行了漫长的法律程序后,他的绑架者汉密尔顿和布朗也避免了起诉”来表示(McQueen,2013年)。为捍卫自己的人权,黑人遭受了数百年的歧视。与他们身上的酷刑相比,长期的法律诉讼要求更大的勇气,毅力和智慧。两名绑架者避免受到起诉的结果使我感到震惊。修改法律也是董事在这种情况下试图讨论的重点。废奴法是逐步完成的。在此过程中,许多人致力于这些进步。

In this film, there are many plots related to the US history. Firstly, Northup’s story began in 1841. At that time, the slavery had been abolished completely. Northup originally had the chance to live as a free man. While in 1841 in Georgia, where Northup was accused run away from, there were still slaves working for their owners, and the number had even grown larger. According to James et al., “…Regional differences increased over time, not merely because the South became more and more dominated by slavery, but also because developments in the North rapidly propelled it in a very different direction” (356). Secondly, Northup worked in different plantations, which showed the economic and agriculture development in different place. Northup first worked as a woodcutter and log transporter. After that, he worked for a cotton planter because, in the 1880s, the cotton industry in South American developed quickly. Thirdly, there were at least two scenes of the slave owners educating their slaves. All the slave owners liked to read Bible to their labors in order to make slaves accept their lower identity and their fate. However, they never permit their slaves to read and write, because the slaves think that they cannot control the slaves if they accept education. Last but not least, the difficult appeal of Northup changed his rest life after he was back to home. This part had been omitted in the movie, but the result was presented at the end of the film by subtitles, “After lengthy legal proceedings in New York, his kidnappers Hamilton and Brown also avoided prosecution” (McQueen, 2013). Fighting for their own human right, the black men suffered centuries of discrimination. Comparing with the torture on their bodies, the long period of legal proceeding requires for much more braveness, perseverance, and wisdom. I am shocked by the result that the two kidnappers avoid being prosecuted. The revision of the law is also a point that the director tries to discuss in such condition. The Abolitionist Laws are completed step by step. During this process, numerous people devoted themselves to these progress.

I like this film very much. The details of slaves’ life presented by it give me a real feeling of the labors, which is similar to a famous Chinese writer I have ever read, XiaYan’ non-fiction literature work Baoshengong. I am really moved by Northup’s tears running. When he was obliged to splash Patsey, he had tears of compassion. When he buried another slave and sang songs for him together with all the slaves, he had tears of depression. When he went back home and saw his married daughter, he had tears of a very complex emotion. It was not only a feeling of happiness, excitement, but also a sensation of the difficult time he had experienced. For most people, twelve years in one’s whole life mean the most important period. Northup is honorable because he is always with hope and never gives up fighting for freedom. I would like to recommend it to my classmates because they can understand the true meaning of life from this film. The slavery had been abolished, but I do not think that the unfair discrimination completely disappears in the United States.
Works Cited
James L Roark, J. L., Johnson, M. P., Cohen, P. C., Stage, S., &Hartmann, S. M. The American Promise: A Concise History. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's. 2013
McQueen, Steve, director. 12 year a slave, Fox Searchlight Pictures.2013
