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Essay代写原创论文-Entrepreneur Interview

文章类型:essay 发布时间:2020-09-04

Tuba Technologies的创始人Sisi Xu是《福布斯》 30位30位以下中国榜单中最年轻的企业家。TubaTechnologies由三个业务部门组成-电子设备维修,二手电子设备回收和电子设备租赁。 Siyuan成长于中国中部一个中等城市,于2013年前往北京。他在中国人民大学开始本科学习,该大学是中国最著名的大学之一,主修风险管理和精算科学。他的一些近亲一直在从事电话销售和维修工作。思远在高中时和他的亲戚有电话零售经验。
Siyuan Xu, the founder of Tuba Technologies, is the youngest entrepreneur on Forbes 30 under 30 China list 2018. Tuba Technologies consists of three business units – electronic device repairment, second-hand electronic device recycling, and electronic device rental. Grown up in a medium city in middle China, Siyuan went to Beijing in 2013. He started his undergraduate at the Renmin University of China, which is one of the most well-known universities in China, majoring Risk Management and Actuarial Science. A few of his close relatives have been working with phone selling and repairing. Siyuan had phone retailing experience with his relatives in high school.
Siyuan found that cell-phone repairment was a big problem for most students in the university during his undergraduate. There were two main ways for students get phone repairment: the first is through official stores, which is time-consuming and quite expensive for students. And the other is through some individual stores. However, the quality of these individual stores varied a lot. 

With the prior experience and resources, Siyuan decided to start his own business about electronic device repairment for university students. Based on students’ user habits, he decided to build an O2O platform based on WeChat - the most popular social media platform in China, which makes it more convenient for students to use. Meanwhile, he could use his current student network to enlarge his customer base. Siyuan has been paying close attention to O2O industry and to find if there are any new developments he could use to develop its business model.

Siyuan和Tuba的最大优势是对目标客户的了解。在图巴工作的大多数人都是学生,这些人符合他们的最终用户资料。因此,他们可以更深入地了解客户的需求和行为,这是其成功的关键因素。 Siyuan建立的第一个商业模型非常简单。这是一个O2O平台,学生可以在此在线订购电子设备维修。 Tuba的工作人员会在一个小时内来收集设备。同时,Tuba将为客户提供电话以供临时使用。这种商业模式的利润率非常低。由于价格对于学生来说是至关重要的DMU,因此Tuba必须保持有竞争力的价格。同时,声誉也是必不可少的,这鼓励学生告诉他们的朋友,从而扩大Tuba的客户群。
由于市场规模非常有限,因此这种业务模型并不持久。如何使业务长期持久是最大的挑战。在Tuba的第三年,Siyuan决定扩展他的商业模式。他开始了二手设备回收服务和电子设备租赁服务。 Tuba为拥有备用电子设备的人和想要出租电子设备以供临时使用的人提供了一个平台。 Tuba将获得20%左右的佣金。现在,租金服务已成为Tuba的主要服务。此举为Tuba提供了更多的市场空间来探索和发展。 2018年,Tuba获得了天使轮融资,并获得了1000万人民币的战略投资。
The biggest advantage of Siyuan and Tuba is the knowledge about their target customers. Most people who worked in Tuba were students, who fit their End User Profile. Therefore, they could get a deeper understanding of the customer needs and behavior, which is crucial factor for their success. The first business model Siyuan build is very simple. It is a O2O platform, where students could place order for electronic devices repairment online. And staff at Tuba would come and collect the device in an hour. Meanwhile, Tuba would provide the customer with a phone for temporary use. Such business model has a very low profit margin. As price is a crucial DMU for students, Tuba has to keep competitive pricing. Meanwhile, reputation is also essential, which encourage students to tell their friends and therefore enlarge the customer base of Tuba.
As the market size was quite limited, such a business model was not durable. How to make the business durable in the long-term was the biggest challenge. In the third year of Tuba, Siyuan decided to expand his business model. He started second-hand device recycling service and electronic device rental service. Tuba provides a platform for people who have a spare electronic device to rent and people who want to rent an electronic device for temporary use. Tuba will get around 20% commission fee. Now, rent service has become the leading service of Tuba. The move gives Tuba more market space to explore and develop. In 2018, Tuba got Angel Round and then got 10,000,000 RMB strategic investment.


In the beginning, Siyuan relied heavily on social media to expand his customer base. He used his social network and asked his friend to invite their friends to the platform. Meanwhile, Siyuan got in touch with a few investors through the incubator in the school. He also got in touch with some alumni who worked in Alibaba and Investment companies. He said, “alumni is very important resource. I am so lucky to get a lot of help from them.”
Before Siyuan expanded Tuba business, the monthly cash flow of Tuba was around 400,000 RMB, with 15% increasing rate. The profit margin was quite low in the beginning, and he needed to think of ways to improve profit. And one of the solutions was lowering the quality, which was the easiest and fastest way. However, Siyuan thinks that integrity is the key to a sustainable business. He said, “Reputation is everything to some extent. If you lose it, you lose.” Therefore, he chose to transform and improve his business model to generate more profits in the long term.

“I would not say it is a success. Saying it is a success means it is finished. Tuba is not. Everything is changing so fast. But I think I am on the right track,” said by Siyuan. Moreover, the receiving of the strategic investment of 10,000,000 RMB is a milestone for Siyuan. Currently, a critical criterion for his business is customer base. He does not only focus on university students anymore. After the transformation of his business model, he also targets young people from less developed cities as potential users of his rental service. He also used payment platforms like Alibaba and WeChat to direct users to his own platform. Now, Tuba has monthly revenue of more than 1,000,000 RMB.
As Siyuan started the business before he graduated from university, his business cost him a lot of time, and he did not have much time to study. He had to skip some class. He mentioned, “I do not know if I made the right choice. We all have to make choices in our life. And time management is essential. I have to make use of my limited time.”
我认为我可以成为一名成功的企业家,因为如果“做到这一点”,我与Siyuan具有相同的精神。正如Aulet所说明的那样,激情是成功企业家的重要因素。思远雄心勃勃。通过他的眼睛和表情,我可以感受到他对Tuba和整个行业的热情。 “开始总是最艰难的。我想有时候您只需要迈出第一步,”思远说。我同意。热情是一开始的关键驱动因素。但是,在后期阶段,对业务进行周密的计划是可持续业务的关键因素。
I would not work for the company. Currently, Tuba is a very condensed management team, and everyone has a precise role. At the same time, Tuba has a lot of staff to do the basic job, such as repairment or pack electronics. I do not think I fit any position in the company. However, I would join the company by sending my spare electronics to the company and earning money though rental. I think he made the right decision to transform his business for pure repairment to a combination of rental, repairment, and recycle. The latter is more innovation-driven, which could bring more value to his business in the long term.
I think I could be a successful entrepreneur as I share the same spirit if “do it” as Siyuan. As Aulet illustrated, passion is a significant factor for a successful entrepreneur. Siyuan is ambitious. I could feel his passion for Tuba and the industry through his eyes and expressions. “The beginning is always the hardest. I guess sometimes you just have to make the first step,” said by Siyuan. I agree. Passion is a crucial driving factor in the beginning. However, in the later stage, thoughtful planning of the business is a crucial factor for a sustainable business.
